November 27th's children



This ever-developing site

4 November

some of the other sections will show up soon, I am working on it.



Chess World Championship Match

Chennai (India-AS)
November 7--28

Magnus Carlsen vs. Viswanathan Anand, or 'Maggie the Kid' vs. 'Tiger of Madras' if you prefer :)


Climate Change Conference

Warsaw (Polska-EU)
November 11--22

Hoping it won't be one more Cop-en-fiasco.


International Day for the Elimination
of Violence against Women

November 25

Globally, more than 1/3 of women have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.


Bicycle World Forum

Curitiba (Brasil-AM)
(2014) February 13--16

Come on, you can make it to Curitiba by bike in 4 months ;)


November 2013


November 27th's children

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
and the day you find out why.

Mark Twain

Cosmic children
(including a soon 52 yrs old one)

Hi everybody,
I was not used to write so much anymore, so last months blogging was hard.
Was lagging behind all the time, and had to correct a lot of spelling mistakes, and not so clear sentences, the day after, when I realized it.
This month I have chosen something lighter, to relax a bit (need it!) and dedicate more time to the rest of the site. Last and indeed the least: to prepare for my 52th birthday, on the 27th.

Here it is then revealed, the why of the title.
I mutuated it also from that of a book.
In 1980, when I actually also bought it,
Salman Rushdie published in fact:
«Midnight's Children»
the imaginary story of all the children born on the night of India's Independence, between 12PM and 1AM of 15 August 1947.

Here I will attempt something slightly similar: up to my birthday I will write about 26 famous men and women who were born same day as me.
Will there be any similarities in between all of us?
Don't expect supernatural powers, like Saleem Sinai's fellows, but does a birth day mean anything at all for the destinies of otherwise completely unrelated people?

It is mostly a play, to have some birthday fun, and it will also be the platform to throw in a lot of my usual spaced out observations about being born, life, the Universe, coincidences and relationships, and who knows what more (no, not even me ;) ?

'See you' then tomorrow, Tuesday, with the first victim of comparisons.
A true Zelig of names and nicknames, let us call him "The Creeper" or "Buster" for now.
Big bonus points to you, if you already got who he is.
Man, you are really into the history of the wild man of Pop...

♪ Music was my first love, and it will be my last... ♩

“ of the future
and music of the past.
To live without my music
would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles,
my music pulls me through.”

How true, alright, I got carried away, as soon as I wrote the word 'music' I started singing the John Miles tune.
This happens very often, as my mind is fully bicameral, I don't use one hemisphere, always bounce forward and back between the two.
Could it be the first indicator?
We are gathering the 'November 27th's Children', and the Order of the One Sided Minds will immediately set in and dismiss all this as utter outrageous nonsense!
A birth date is just a number, and any case, it is an arbitrary one, as calendars are not absolute entities, they are barely conventions.

True, but I never think / feel anything at all is 'just' something.
How claustrophobic is the tribe of the reductionists.
There is so much to discover, and so much to explore in this Universe, and I prefer to be surprised and amazed than 'just' confirmed all the time, in a obsessive, confining and arrogant ritual.

To be a rebel you don't need to be wild, but that's exactly what our man, our first November 27th conspirator, seemed to be.
In fact called "The Wild Man of Pop" (or even "The Wild Man Of Borneo", by the Tribe of Discriminators).
Or the "Creeper", as mentioned, because of the way he walked around, or the "Black Elvis" and so many more ways.
His real name was actually Johnny Allen Hendrix. Who?
Well, or James Marshall Hendrix, or Maurice James or... stop it man!!
Not my fault! I told you, he had millions names, but we all know him as: Jimi Hendrix. Phew, finally!
Like it or not, in his very short life he managed to become a legend of Rock, and it was not only for his guitar playing but for his whole story and way of behaving.

You might object, I started with the wrong one, as there are no similarities at all in between us?
It's true I never tried any drug, as you know, and a lot of other things can also be completely opposite, but are yo so sure?
It's true I love to play acoustic guitars most of the time, but have you actually ever heard me playing the el one? ;) You bet I can be wild, you'd be surprised dude :)
Listen to this clip, man:

[it's the final stump of my funny song:
"Everybody to the sea" (1997)
album: "Birthdays"]

«C'mon Luca, your hair doesn't belong the slightest to a Rock star!»
Poor reductionist, it's your bad luck day, just look, dude:


Pure Jimi, chap! [mine was in 1984 though]

More 27th Music phenomena?
How could I possibly not mention, in the Realm of the Johann Sebastians, the divine violin gift of
Hilary Hahn ?

You see, there is something about the 27th!

This is pretty amazing actually.
I started this apparently nonsensical theme on the 4th, and the very day after, the Italian medias went crazy about this November 27th!
Why? Well, it is because the Italian Parliament on that precise day will vote on Berlusconi expulsion from the same Parliament, given the fact he now is a convicted huge tax fraud guilty man.
It is very possible he would be arrested after the expulsion, as no longer a protected member of the Senate, and there are several more serious trials waiting ahead of him.

In stead of resigning, as any minimally decent person would do, he is in stead furious and panicking, and trying all what he can to mud the picture and stop that inevitable end.
One thing he said was reported on the press, something like [my words and synthesis]:
Oh no, not that day, it brings bad luck, they want me to end up rotting in jail like Yuliya Tymoshenko!

In fact, on the 27th it is
Yuliya Tymoshenko [ Ю́лія Тимоше́нко]'s birthday.

[cropped from source]

She is indeed rotting in prison, if you saw a recent picture of her, you would be shocked by how hard it is disfiguring her.

It seems like we 27th tend to end in troubles, but if the above mentioned unashamed criminal would be kicked off the Parliament right on my birthday, what an historic day it would be, and what a gift!

Politics? Not the only one.
Same birthday for Caroline Kennedy, JFK's and Jacqueline's daughter.


Which reminds me of the never uncovered truth on the assassination of her father.
And of Robert Kennedy, and...
today it was discovered Yasser Arafat didn't die of a 'normal' illness, he was likely poisoned with Polonium, the Putin's Russia specialty (see Alexander Litvinenko's case, and the related Boris Berezovsky and Anna Politkovskaya ones).

While we are there, my solidarity to
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, two members of Pussy_Riot
Not my style of being a rebel, but if you read what they write, you would agree they are very brave and very intelligent women.
In prison too, and it seems one of the two has been sent to Siberia at the moment, and when you say Siberia you know what it is about (not a vacation, that is)

Politics, conspirations and international intrigues, and you thought this month's blog would get boring, uh?

Life in words

Some say I write too much.
Well, well, well, careful guys, at this point you know I am not alone, we are a fantasy conspiracy of, counting me in, 27 people ;)

In fact I will let them stand for me and speak today, as my fellows really are/were masters of words.

Here it is Pedro Solinas.


Born on November 27th 1891, in Madrid, España.
A Poet, one of the leading in the
"Generación del 27" (Generation of 27).
No fantasy or kidding, it existed and was a very significant movement of poets, active in the years around 1927, and included other major Poets such as Rafael Alberti and Federico García Lorca.

A message to you:

“Tu tarea
es llevar la vida en alto,
jugar con ella, lanzarla
como una voz a las nubes,
a que recoja las luces
que se nos marcharon ya.
Ese es tu sino: vivirte.
No hagas nada.
Tu obra eres tú, nada más.”

«Despierta. El día te llama» Pedro Solinas

“Your task
is to carry your life high,
and play with it, hurl it
like a voice to the clouds
so it may retrieve the light
already gone from us.
That is your fate: to live.
Do nothing.
Your work is you, nothing more.”

«Wake up. Day calls you» (transl.: Willis Barnstone)

p.s. The American Poet and Hispanist Willis Barnstone was born in 1927.

More disasters, more writers,
more scandals

As the attentive and implacable reader will have noticed, I didn't write in the last days, sorry.
All this month it is about playing and relaxing, so it would not make sense to write when I don't feel like, or under pressure.
Besides, the disastrous Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, right a few days after I urged people, for the 1 millionth time, to take climate changes seriously, showed once more that I am a Cassandra of woes, so a pause in writing might even be a good thing.
Here it is what happened, anyway:

More writers? Here comes
Mary Robinson,
born in England on the 27th of November 1757


If you follow the Wikipedia link you will read about one more woman that won't disappoint the rest of our exclusively disastrous coven of 27thers.
Poetry, dramas, acting, sexuality, women's rights, kings, house arrests, mysterious illnesses, all is there, as you would expect from a true 27th.
Noblesse oblige.

Forget about Fahrenheit

Last October and beginning of November were certainly the warmest I can remember in my life, I was working in the garden wearing just some shorts and sweating. It got cold all of a sudden, a few days ago.
«How do you know?» Of course I could feel it.
«Yes, but how do you know exactly?» Well, then you will need something to measure the temperature, say a 'thermometer'.
«Then you will have to invent it!»

No, we don't have to, it was already done before Christ, and developed further in the following hundreds of years.
A thermometer anyway would be useless without a scale and here it comes our man, a 27th of course, who laid out the universally used centigrade Celsius scale (well, apart from a few barbarian countries keeping the Fahrenheit one).


Anders Celsius,
was in fact his name.
(born in Uppsala, Sverige, 27 November 1701),

Physicist, geologist, astronomer and talented mathematician, he is not only remembered for the scale, but for ex. also for his exciting works like: «Dissertatio de Nova Methodo Distantiam Solis a Terra Determinandi (1730» or
«De Observationibus pro Figura Telluris Determinanda in Gallia Habitis, Disquisitio (1738)»

Finally we have found a jovial and sociable 27th, not ending in jail, in troubles or in scandals!
Right, he lived only 43 years and died of Tuberculosis, but let's be fair, that was very common those times
[and let's not forget Tuberculosis is still quite widespread in the so-called developing countries].

We don't seem to get the picture

Of course, about 1 out of 365 people in the big World were born on November 27th, so there are millions of them, and it is not so difficult to find famous people born on that day.

As usual, reality can be more tricky than as such, and while you can find plenty of people in some fields, careers, professions etc. it is not equally easy to find people in others.
Why is it so? Expect a lot about that, later this month, for the moment I will just tell you about one field that seems to be strongly underrepresented in between the 27thers: visual arts.
In fact, being a painter, a sculptor or such does not seem to be the most desired for someone born on our day.

Any brave exceptions?
Well, what about Tsuguharu Foujita?


Painter born in Tokyo, 27 November 1886.
The usual 27th cosmopolitan, as you can read in his biography, and a cat lover, as you can see in many self-portraits.

Another one could be Theresia Van der Pant
Sculptor, born in Schiedam, Nederland, 27 November 1924.

One more painter: the Slovak Vladimír Popovič
(27 November 1939).

"27th Century" casting

Is it becoming a habit not to write on Fridays?
Well, I didn't the last couple of times, admit being lazy.
Somehow I let events speak in stead of me, tornados in particular, latest in the USA, and right here too, right now .
I am neither a climatologist nor a sorcerer, I have just read reports in the last 35 years, and feel very strongly we are going to face more and more extreme disasters, as our irresponsibility has managed to unbalance the climate so much, it is out of any control.

We need to catch up, with more 27thers.
One easy way to add more to our coven is to consider movies.
In fact, if visual arts seemed to be underrepresented, actors and film directors though seem definitely not, there are so many of them.
A little selection following:

One that I know very well, being one of the most famous Danish actors, is:
Thomas Bo Larsen
[27 November 1963, in Gladsaxe - Danmark]
Recently "Theo" in Thomas Vinterberg's "Jagten" ["The Hunt"]

Another celebrity in his country, Japan:
Tadanobu Asano
[27 November 1973, in Yokohama - Japan]

How not to mention:
Connie Sawyer
[27 November 1912, in Pueblo - Colorado - US, will turn 101 this month!]
the sweet elderly lady on a wheelchair, in "Dumb&Dumber", getting Lloyd's unconditional trust:
« Hey, I guess they're right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. I'll be right back. Don't you go dying on me! » .
You might know how it went, never trust a 27th...

One that I see as a very representative of the 27thers is the film director (and also painter, by the way): Kathryn Bigelow
[27 November 1951, San Carlos - California-US]


Why very representative? Well, not something I can describe, but you can watch this interview, and many aspects will clearly reveal:

Presidential histories

If you are old enough to remember the "Prague Spring" (around year 1968) you will surely remember the name of:
Alexander Dubček too
[27 November 1921, Uhrovec - Slovakia]


I was too young at that time (7 yrs old), but I surely won't forget the later revolution, the so-called:
Velvet Revolution (1989), in fact I was in Prague right when it just happened.

To further reinforce the urban myth of a 27ther being there any time there is a good revolution, we could also remember:
Benigno Aquino Jr.
[27 November 1932, Tarlac - Philippines]
the assassinated leader of the opposition to the dictatorial Ferdinand Marcos, very likely involved in the killing in fact.

One of the key figures for the establishing of the State of Israel was the Chemist and later first President of Israel:
Chaim Weizmann
[27 November 1874, in Motol, Russian Empire, now Belarus)]
He was also the founder of the The Weizmann Institute of Science.

Need more action?

We need too... know it from myself, even if 27thers love to use their brain and be interested in a lot of different things, they can't stand still for too long time without starting feeling restless.
Malignant voices would suggest that 'restless' for us means we can't stand still for too long without a 'good fight'.

Sport seems to be a way to canalize need for action and competitive ambitions.
When not running away from troubles, running for Olympic medals is a good alternative.
Henry Carr
[27 November 1942, in Detroit-Michigan-USA]
got two Gold medals in Tokyo 1964 and some World records.

Considering another discipline, American Football, still sport looking more like a good fight anyway, at least to someone like me who has got no idea what the difference in between it and Rugby (and the good fight) is.
Ken O'Brien [27 November 1960]

Finally and honestly difficult to deny the good fight, when it comes to our last, and not the least, man. Although it is about the noble Martial Arts here, beware.
Bruce Lee
[27 November 1940, San Francisco-USA]
There is so much one can find in shops, cinemas, internet etc. so here I will embed something you unlikely have watched.
A lost interview on a popular Canadian TV-show.
It is very old, dating back to 1971, lost and then found again in 1984.


Exploring reality and sharing

Although we use to be pretty eclectic, of course not everyone can do everything.
There are some fields where I simply know my limits, or my total inability.
Today I will mention a few scientists that excelled in namely those fields, lands where I can only admire the landscape (grasping the concepts), while getting lost and frustrated if required to do anything specific.

Lars Onsager
[27 November 1903, Kristiania (Oslo)-Norway]
Nobel Prize in 1968 for studies regarding some aspects of Thermodynamics.

Gilbert Strang
[27 November 1934, Chicago-USA]
Professor at M.I.T., representing how we like not only to research but to convey knowledge too.

Again researching and conveying:
John Maddox
[27 November 1925, Wales-UK],
in fact not only a Physicist and Chemist, also for 22 years the director of the very important international and interdisciplinary journal of science

Last bricks in the puzzle

Only three people left to complete the twenty-seven November 27th born.
All this month I have been playing with the fictional and innocuous conspiracy plot.
What that bizarre plot should be for, I will explain in the few final days of next week.

Anyway, who more would we need for it? We have got actors, artists, politicians, scientists, musicians, writers, sportsmen.
Well, I know who we need more, right the category that in the masses' collective compulsions is considered the most useless, but which is indispensable, as you never get anywhere without.
Yes, the good old Philosophers!

I can see your excitement, you attentive and cynical reader, you imagine already what the combination of a 27ther and a philosopher can lead to...

We start indeed with yet another eclectic one: both a philosopher, a musician and musicologist.

Daniel Charles
[27 November 1935, in Oran-Algeria],


A student of Olivier Messian and had a lot of interaction with John Cage too.

Paulus van Hemert
[27 November 1756, in Nederland],
A Kantian Dutch philosopher, author of
"Beginsels der Kantiaanske Wysgeerte"
["Principles of Kantian Philosophy"]
"Gezag en grenzen van de menselijke rede" ["Authori­ty and Limits of Human Reason"]

And now... only one left, who shall it be?
No, not me, I am already shamelessly included, as the host.
Shall we take one who was actually born not only on the same day but also same year as me, that is, we were really born at the same time?
Here she is, a singer who had some hits in the 80': Desiree Heslop (Princess)
[27 November 1961, in England],

Her "Say I'm your Number One" I remember was played quite a lot in parties.
Here we can watch her singing live:

What's in a day

We have reached the last days of this theme, time to link all the different inputs and make sense of it.

Is there any sense in it, actually?
Yes, I do mean there is.
All this month blogging was really some kind of playing, but I would not have conceived it if I was not aware of some possible deeper implications.
A day is not just a day for me.
I will try to explain why.

The day we are born might be arbitrary, random, yet: can we really think that the first day of our life has no significance at all?
Even not wanting to consider the spiritual aspects of it, there is still so much to consider.

Let us exclude a few things first.
Day of the week is not relevant, for ex. the 27th of November was a Monday when I was born, but it will be a different one every year.
Calendar numbers are also irrelevant as absolute entities (although Numerologists would protest here), as calendars are quite arbitrary systems, a day is different in the Julian one compared to the Gregorian one, or the Indian one etc.
One more thing: as already stated, there are so many people out there born on the same day, so picking up a few of them is also quite arbitrary, you can basically find whatever you want to find.

What counts can be found in what a date like 27th of November means not absolutely, but relatively to the system you are using. No matter what number you put on it, and how you call it, it still points at something, it tells something.

There must be some sort of imprinting, it does make a difference if we are born on a freezing cold Winter day v.s. a sweaty hot Summer one for ex.
To my opinion it does have a huge impact, all your cells and organs and physiology will be affected, and that pattern will continue throughout our life.
Plus so many other factors, contingent or recurrent on a certain day of the year.
Is there any actual backing to my idea? Yes, here it is some.

Let us start with the more sympathetic ones.
Have fun searching for a lot of things that might have affected you at birth:
The Day You Were Born

Considering the Season and Month you were born, there are statistical researches showing significant differences:

- higher risk of asthma, food allergies, schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders.
- less educated mothers

- more teen mums
- more epileptics, Alzheimer and Chron.
- more family doctors and debt collectors
- less sheet-metal workers and estate agents

- more narcolepsy (a sleep disorder)
- more artists and car-park attendants
- less physicists

- more unconventional careers, creative people, musicians and pilots

- more asthma and autism in babies
- less active than average

- more Parkinson
- more eating disorders and alcoholism
- weaker health than average
- lower IQ
- more depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, autism.
- even spread of professions, though quite a few dictators...

- a bit healthier than average
- more diabetes and glaucoma
- lower IQ
- higher risk of anorexia and suicide
- even spread of professions, with more politicians

- more diabetes and multiple sclerosis
- more of the latest Nobel Prize winners; more chief executives

- more likely to be short-sighted
- more optimistic, lesser risk for schizophrenia
- it's definitely lucky to be born under a warm sun, but Summer babies are about 12% disadvantaged academically (at least in the UK)
Don't come out yet, baby!
- less doctors, dentists and rich football-players

- more optimist
- more short-sighted
- more artists, bricklayers, train drivers

- lesser achiever in schools
- more bricklayers, hairdressers, recent US Presidents

- best achievers in school
- more long-living and with better health when old
- more sport players and physicists

- more active than average, in sports too

- longest living

- more pessimistic
- more schizophrenics; serial killers

- lesser risk of asthma
- more dentists; more religious and political leaders

What's in a day II

Yesterday we saw mostly the general influence that being born in a certain period of the year can have on us.
But what about a specific day, which has been the real theme?

Well, here it would be difficult to find any rational explanation of why it should make a difference to be born on the 27th vs. the 28th say.
Practically impossible to find any research about it, although I suggest it, as I am sure they would get some surprises.

What is left then? Ancient wisdom?
As quickly mentioned before, Numerology has its beliefs.
What I know works for sure is what I have studying for more than 30 years, and about which I don't doubt at all any more:
Know you will say: «You always write about Science and now you propose Astrology??»
No problem buddy, in fact that's a complete misconception. Science is not a specific discipline, so it is not that Chemistry is a Science and Astrology is not. I know many scientists think like that, but they are not being scientists when doing so.
Science is not a particular discipline, science is a method.
And you can apply the method to whatever you like.

I have done it with Astrology, one has some objective data on one side, the birth chart resulting from your birth date.
On the other one has some other more or less objective data, whatever you would like to examine, for ex. the person's health, and you can see if there is any correlation in between the two.
As simple as that, that's Science.

If you did the same as I do, you would find a universe of interesting things. There is nothing as complex and revealing as Astrology, it's no wonder it has existed for thousands of years, and any serious scientist of the past was also an Astrologer. Like Newton for ex.

A birth chart is individual, very specific for the moment and place you were born.
You will read much more in my section "Lunisolar" when I will make it available again.

Regarding specific birth days, the day you were born in Astrology gives the position of your Sun in the chart, in an individual degree of your Sign. For ex. I have my Sun in the 4th degree of Sagittarius.
That is associated to certain characteristics in classic Astrology (which was much more 'destiny' oriented than we are now, when everything is considered as an inclination, possibility and potential, not necessarily as a determination).
As a rule of thumb, I have learned that degrees are kind of 'shades of gray', with very noticeable differences for those born close to the cusps, at the beginning or the end of the sign.
As a practical example let's take the recent Chess World final I linked to here in my calendar.
Funny enough both Magnus Carlsen [30 November 1990]
and Viswanathan Anand [11 December 1969]
are Sagittarius (we are too clever I know ;)
All other differences apart Carlsen is a November Sagittarius, closer to Scorpio, and Anand is more a core Sagittarius.
To me that showed very clearly at the decisive moment, I think it was the 5th round, when Carlsen won for the first time.
In the intense final moments, Anand was getting more and more nervous, nearly dancing on his chair, while Carlsen was leaning on it, relaxed, looking at the opponents like a cat with a mouse, and almost cynically asking:
«It's evident it's over for you dear, when are you finally going to acknowledge it and resign, so that you can go home crying about your mistakes, and I with my cool victory?»
You saw the theatrical representation of a 'Scorpio-Sagittarius' vs. a 'Sagittarius-Sagittarius'!

Tomorrow will be my birthday, so I won't write, I will the day after, Thursday, with the final observations and some practical info.

After one more November 27th

Sorry, couldn't write in the last two days.
This is then the final post, a conclusion of all this theme, including some considerations about the often mentioned 'conspiracy' and the Mark Twain quote.

So, what was that 'conspiracy' about?
Of course I was mostly kidding, given conspiracy theories have become so popular and pop up every single time there is just a slight semblance of unclear events.
I have actually not much against such theories, they are necessary when one can't make sense of an official version, or of any event.
Unless there lies paranoia or populist hate against anything official under them, they are indeed legitimate exercises of intellect.
In our case, the virtual conspiracy was against anything or anyone that pretends to limit our freedom and creativity, our looking at the world with fresh eyes, a childlike wonder, and the right to maintain the complexity of reality, without having to bend to a fixed set of limiting dominant rules.
To make an example, I earlier mentioned
'reductionism' as my main concern here.
One could easily add materialism, populism, violence, egoism, prejudices, racism, sexism, speciesism, dictatorships, authoritarianism, militarism, privileges, fanaticism, and the list could even be longer.
In other words: anything that tries to impose arbitrary limitations, or even violence, on others.

It's not easy to answer the Mark Twain invitation: reflecting about our birth day and the meaning of our life.
For what regards me, it could in fact be that of never bending to the above mentioned pests.
I am free and will always be, no matter how much it will cost (and it is costing!)
After all, am I a Sagittarius or am I not?
Even my family name means "archer", and didn't
[the Ascendant, Moon and Venus in Sagittarius]

Khalil Gibran write in "The Prophet":

“The archer sees the mark
upon the path of the infinite.”

Well, the word 'infinite' was really the end of this theme.
The attentive and affectionate reader will have to live without my daily posting in the month of December.
Given it is a month when everybody is busy with a lot of other terrestrial or celestial things, I will leave you in peace.
My time will be better be spent with intensively working on this whole home site, to finally complete the work of revision and technical adaptation to the new coding system.
I have promised it so many times by now, but it has been an overwhelming task. Anyway, most work has been done now and you will see the result with the next year, promise!

So, 'see you' on Thursday 7th 2014!
have a nice month, holidays and New Year, the best wishes from me, and a hug.