see the updates in the blog, right next column here.
Veganpalooza 2013
web August, 14---18
attending live, or the podcasts, are available for free until 24 hrs after the single event
Raw Fruit Festival
España September 1-----7
as you know I only show free events (not costing anything) here, so this is just a single exception
Conference - Nick Cooney: "La Scienza in difesa degli animali"
Roma (I-EU) September 21
ciò che la Psicologia e la Ricerca possono insegnarci per coinvolgere l'opinione pubblica
August 2013
I am here!
.. and so is everybody else..
Symbolic reopening of this site
Hi everybody,
here it is a preview of my new blog layout.
As in the caption today, this is only a symbolic reopening.
In the next days I will explain in details why it is taking so long, and what the actual status of completing this site is.
The important is: yes, here I am again!
Latest update
Well.. this August blog is extending into September too.
But it is only for short time.
On the 23rd I will celebrate my 10 years of eating raw-food, and that will be the start of the announced "Ten FRUITful years" September / October blog.
I am not having so much time daily for completing this site as I wished, but don't worry, I am working
like a madman, and it is slowly but steadily progressing.
I'll keep the 23rd as the ultimate deadline.
In the meanwhile, this is the updated status:
BLOG: you see it here! Still copying all the old archive content to my new template
LUCA (the infamous self-biography): you'll see it soon
DONATIONS: needs just a few edits, practically ready
FAQ: needs just a few edits, practically ready
MUSIC: main page is finished, album pages are in the updating. I am intensely working on the old music materials,
and on a splendid new album, also dedicated to my beloved fruit.
ECOLOGY / FRUIT / WRITINGS / LINUX / LUNISOLAR: a deep revision of all of them is needed, I'll probably
publish the old version while it is done.
COMMUNITY: it is still impossible to use it, as there is a weird network problem with the login.
I'll make it available quickly, as soon as that problem will be solved.
Last update
Hi, the next Blog will show up very late tonight.
There is still too much work to do and too little time for it, but you are starting to see some news.
For ex. the beginning of my (half serious, half infamous) self-biography. Where? The most adventurous of you
will already have found it, anyway just click on my name, on the main page.
Music main page is available too, but the single album pages are still to be transferred from the old system to the new.
More sections will appear too, look at the icons in the landscape of the main page.
See you later.. :)