am finally cleaning up and updating most of this site, more about this later.
February 2008
Inner trip
A peace above all earthly dignities,
a still and quiet conscience.
William Shakespeare
See you later
Busy day today (have been all the time out, trying to do something about some dangerous molds on the fruit
trees. More about this later). For now: I decided it is better to start in a proper way on Monday than a
messy something right now.
So, sorry, you have to wait again, and even for this month's theme.. I have some ideas, but haven't decided
yet, so we really have to settle it until Monday.
Have a nice week-end.
The universal out-spring
Here where the Sun is practically shining all the time, it has kept being gray and rainy in the last days.
The best chance to cultivate some inner peace then. William Shakespeare was able, as usual, to describe
magnificent things in few words, so I chose his quote to start with.
Coherent with the mood in all blogs this year, this won't be delving into melancholy, rather, that powerful
inner peace that is the kernel for all our achievements in the outer world.
I am alone here most of the time, or better, in company with myself, and in such silence and natural
environments, it is inevitable to feel a constant and deeper contact with the inside. And, as I wrote last
month, one of my resolutions this year is to go a bit back to one of my strongest roots, all the work with
myself and psychology.
True: a peace above any detail in life, and a peace in this world too. As you know, I don't use to escape,
rather to include everything, no matter how painfully challenging that can be at times.
A core peace, and a trip inside, away from the background noise we are constantly immersed in, and into a
vibrant dignity of being.
Don't stress
As described, last month I experienced how acute stress can disrupt even a well-trained mind. It was
horrible and frightening.
I simply had to slow down, and it helped.
It has much to do with what has been becoming one of the main problems of our modern society. The fact we
have got so many more possibilities available, which is very positive apparently, but in practice it has
complicated and threatened our life more than one could imagine.
As it brings higher expectation, bigger goals, wider demanding, and that can lead to frustrations, tension
and conflicts.
Not to talk about all other aspects that are related: on the climate changes side, that is certainly a
carbon fat life; on the economy side, it's like borrowing too much money from banks, to be able to
finance all those buyings, travels, houses, activities, events and so on, which is becoming a huge problem
in most countries, and threatening the long term economies, as the bubble will burst soon or later.
We are still not putting as much attention as it is needed on these modern forms of stress, mostly
because our liberalistic and globalized world loves to show a plastic happy image of itself. With
exaggerate fake smiles always on. While millions of families struggle to live up and keep up with this.
While relationships break, as there is so much one has to achieve, and the other can easily become more
an impediment than a partner.
I am not evoking the good old life of the good old times, but certainly things were simpler under
this respect.
And this is not necessarily a negative message, as what I believe in fact is the opposite, that there
are infinite possibilities to live the richest possible life on a cultural, relational, social, spiritual,
bodily and everyday life.
As usual, I just invite to reflection, and these rainy days when one has so much time indoor, can be a
good time to stop for a while and evaluate one's own life.
The sound of silence (and not-silence too)
Before I forget again: this month's picture is not a snowy day. I took it a few days ago, an early
morning when everything was covered with frost. It looked like snow but it was frost. No need to say
it was very beautiful.
And, yes, it's evident I did cut my hair after a couple of years without doing it. It does feel like a chunk
of me has disappeared, but don't worry, it will grow long so quickly again. It was necessary, as I need my
full vision most of the day, especially when I am managing the scythe I would say! And I loved to feel my
long hair but it was going and covering my eyes all the time, or getting stuck somewhere.
Anyway, what I wanted to write about was something I get more and more allergic to.
Being so much alone and in a natural silence, that is where only nature has something beautiful to say,
birds singing, leaves falling, wind blowing, anything else feels heavily as noise.
Being guest at my family's, they are really some extreme opposite in relation to me, and I often observe,
how 'normal' people are constantly bombed with noises of all kinds. First of all from TV, which is on many
hours a day here. Despite a clear ruling from the communication authorities, the commercial channels keep
on pumping the volume up when they broadcast advertisements. Which are interrupting the programs all the
time, in a violent and obsessive way.
We are in Italia, the most TV junkie nation in the world, and other noises are a plague here, namely
traffic noise, being this country also the most car based in the world. It is a 'loud' culture in general, n
o doubt. For me coming from the very silent, or at least damped, Scandinavia, it is a difficult adaptation.
It is easy to see how all this external noise disrupts the internal perception, and some people reacts
with meditation and other inner practices. Others, kind of suppress their inner life and bend to the
'the one that shouts louder wins' society.
I am aware the picture can be more blended. I am a musician after all, and what is music if not the
most perfect noisy paradise, no matter how soft and minimalistic it could try to be?
And there can be too much melancholy in silence and some electrifying urban life in a noisy background
(if moderate though). I do enjoy a good balance of the two. Still I find more truths in the natural sounds.
The fundamental nature of nature
“Evidence for a fundamental and pervasive shift away from nature-based recreation”
No, not my words, but a very recent research by Oliver R. W. Pergams and Patricia A. Zaradic
(Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois). Here it is the
and an article about it:
"Communing With Nature Less And Less"
“The replacement of vigorous outdoor activities by sedentary,
indoor videophilia has far-reaching
consequences for physical and mental health,
especially in children,”
Pergams said in a statement.
“Videophilia has been shown to be a cause of obesity,
lack of socialization, attention disorders and
poor academic performance.”
There is also a very interesting interview with the authors of the research: "Do people still care about nature?" {dead link, only my quote left:}
“Less exposure to nature seems to mean less environmental awareness and appreciation of nature for its
own sake. Instead, people may come to value nature more for the goods and services nature provides,
like photosynthesis and pollinators. Making people aware of the incredible value of such ecosystem
services would become the more pragmatic approach.”
More than enough to back my statement that, no matter how many achievements and improvements in our
lives otherwise, there are also some very worrying global changes that are degrading the quality of
our self. And I have long tried to warn we should take this very seriously.
No sense for nature, no true sense for life,
this is what I have always meant, and some studies are backing up this.
One more reason to ride the positive wave I probably share with your resolutions. Be more outdoors in nature, I am doing it, it's your turn, and let's forget you are
reading this encouragement in a virtual blog...
Want my Internet back!
Just a few words today to inform you my Internet connection is down, and you actually won't read this...
I have tracked down the problem and I will be back on Monday, when you will read this...
What has happened is pretty weird. All my router's settings were wiped out yesterday. The provider meant
of course it was me to have messed something up, which I certainly have not. Even the password to access
their server doesn't work, how could it change when I haven't done it?
The very weird is also my own router's settings were reset, how is this possible, that the same thing
happens at the same time in two completely separated systems?
Have no idea, this is very strange, but I never understand anything about networks. I suspect a virus, but
Linux is very much free from this plague, and the anti-virus programs do not give any positive alarm.
Anyway, after some bureaucratic procedure they will reset everything today (Monday) and everything will
be alright again (or so hope I).
Food for the inquisitive and introspective mind
Here where I live right now, it is my old home. It means I am daily confronted with the old family issues,
and there are also some wide shells filled with Psychology books.
Part of the ones I used to get my degree in Psychology. They are so many as lots of books were required to
read at my University, there were exams that requested up to 11 books, or something!
So, plenty of stuff to reread, and very little time for that... but how can one resist to such a huge
collection of very interesting materials. All the classics, Freud, Jung and so on. All other
schools and directions in Psychology: Psychoanalysis, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Alfred Adler;
the Gestalt, Humanistic Psychology, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow; more experimental Psychology, Behaviorism,
Neurophysiology; Pedagogy, Jean Piaget; Jacques Lacan and psychiatric texts from Franco Basaglia to
Ronald Laing, just to quote a few.
As usual, I never follow any particular school, even if I am naturally close to the Humanistic one, which
has also been my specialization. I simply pick up the best from each of them. Reality is very complex and
all of them have been highlighting some faces of it.
Nothing bores me more than fights in between different schools, while nothing intrigues me more than
finding links, integrating theories, connecting.
This is particularly and vitally important for Psychology, as it is the science of human beings. A human
being can only be understood if you consider him or her entirely, as a whole person, with a whole story,
and a whole listening from your side. This is the main message of Humanistic Psychology, and this is also
what I have been keeping doing in my life. Integrating it with all what comes from all other approaches.
It will be so exciting to reread all these books, some after more than 25 years, and I am sure they will give
much more meaning now.
Online sofa zapping
When talking about books, reading one on a beach under the sun and while the ocean waves wash out on
the sand, is a pleasure that will never be surpassed or equaled by a computer screen.
In a few years it will be common to take with you books in form of electronic paper, may be thin folding
sheets of paper with electronic memory or the like. Of course solar powered, by mean of small, embedded
blueberry cells panels, and with wireless connection to the Net.
Now, it sounds like you will likely read some best-seller fiction stories on such a beach, but this is
always too simple a prediction. In reality, it could be just as probable that Psychology at that time
will have reached a status of mass-tool for wellbeing.
And what will be available online? Well, I can't link directly into the future, only to what is available
right now.
I had my share of clicks in all possible directions. I even stumbled upon the
Santa Barbara Department of Psychology.
See, there is always something new in life, I believed no one would ever need a psychologist
in Santa Barbara... :)
I certainly couldn't be other than happy in that city. Nearly too perfect to be true, but for once I
didn't care, just enjoyed so many of the things that make my life too: organic farmer markets, culture,
music, nice clean wide cozy streets, gorgeous salads, sea, mountains, and even something so rare in the
USA as a lovely train station! Gosh, I am gonna missing it today, I know.
Good inner surfing to everybody.
γνωθι σεαυτόν
No, I am not asking you to know ancient Greek (I don't know it either), but to "know yourself".
Or "know thyself" if one prefers.
According to a travel writer of the time, Pausanias, that was the inscription at the entrance
of Delphi's Temple of Apollo. Probably no one was getting through the door...
Does anyone know himself/herself in fact? Do we know ourselves better now, after millenniums of history?
Is it possible to know ourselves at all? And letting ourselves introspecting ourselves, well, what kind
of naivety is this, isn't it like letting the fox take care of the chickens?
To which extent do we know ourselves, do we want it, can we?
Do not loose faith, after all these questions. You are so lucky to be relieved in this heavy load task.
There are psychologists now, and they will help you along the path of knowing yourself. Their words might
sound as riddles too, at times, like the ones by the oracle at Delphi.
You might think you don't need any, you will do it yourself. I strongly believe anyone should rather use
this chance we are given, as modern human beings.
You are probably traveling the world more than your inner paths. There are lots of surprises in both worlds,
for sure.
Tutor and pupil
Saint Valentine? Who cares, I am not religious.
Oh, is it about man and woman? Then I will put here a picture of a nice couple,
Abelard and Heloise,
from about the time I had my last relationship, that is in the eleventh century ;) .. :/
Our Abelard
(Pierre Abélard, France, 1079- 1142)
was a real man of the time: philosopher, theologian, logician, composer, lover, and he even wrote a
philosophical treatise called "Know Yourself".
Now, given I started with a quote by Shakespeare, you will also have to read Alexander Pope's poem about
the two erudite lovers,
Eloisa to Abelard,
if you have a couple of free weeks. Heck, alright to just watch
this dailymotion Lionel Richie and Diana Ross {warning: just slightly popped} video.
And guess what Pope wrote too:
Know Thyself,
here we are again, you can't escape, you really have to know yourself. I would suggest you better know your
partner too, dear.
incidentally, why am I not religious? Well, you saw the two sweet passionate lovers above, but that was just
a cropped image. If you pan out you will get a shock: look at that creepy old religious man! Religion, please,
leave lovers in peace.
Spring has come already, believe it or not. I am still working with cleaning the surface of the fruit trees,
and it is very difficult now, when the small blossoms have already popped up. There is the risk of damaging
them, so I have to be extremely careful.
Then I will spread around the trees the vegetable compost I have been preparing in the last months, another
needed work that will take some time, as the trees are so many.
So, the new season is starting one month earlier than it should, and confirming once more the climate is
changing rapidly.
On the inner field, even if so many psychological schools have been formed in the last decades, many more
'modern' than the classic ones, the core issue has never changed. Being the fact our mind works on the
basis of different layers, stratified in the course of evolution. And our individual growth adds to it.
This will cause conflicts, and some uncertainty on who or what is really driving our lives.
We live believing our conscious life is the only one. Freud showed us so clearly this is not the
case, but it is amazing how much we still ignore this, or deny it.
What causes this is our defense mechanisms. Much subtler and stronger than we'll ever realize.
The result is an enormous, planetary waste of resources, as we have to deal with the consequences of
those conflicts, conditioning everything so heavily.
It is time to finally acknowledge this, and make huge efforts to implement Psychology in every field of our lives.
Don't get frightened, if you have never read Freud, I strongly suggest to do it. You will be surprised
for how well his books are written. You could start with:
"Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens" (The Psychopathology of Everyday Life). Being from 1901,
you can even find some translations on the Internet (not always good though), like here:
Classics in the History of Psychology.
All controversies aside for a while, his works have truly been a giant step toward awareness for mankind.
Slim blogging, for the body and for the mind
Just an apparent shift from this month's theme, if you missed the news yesterday, there is still time to
read this article,
"Urban designers encourage obesity"
about professor Philip James (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) views on many things
related to obesity and our 'obesogenic environment' in particular.
A human urban design vs. mechanic urban design has always been one of my main points.
Precisely, I have advocating for the total elimination of cars, an absolute destroyer of quality of life,
that is some steps forward in relationship to what James proposes, but into the same direction anyway. With
cars, there is no real healthy environment possible, without cars everything is possible, infinite enjoyment
my friends.
This has always been my discriminating tool for choosing where to live. It is not by chance James quotes
The Netherlands and Scandinavia as example of motion-friendly countries.
So, do read the article if you have some time (and only after a 60 minutes biking at least :)) it is very
interesting and honey in the ears of everybody striving to improve our quality life. Not that we don't know
all these things already, but unfortunately the world doesn't usually listen to us poor sensible men and women.
It has always a much bigger impact when such an important professor speaks out.
I wrote 'apparent shift', as it is now an absolute truth that nutrition affects the neurological and
mental development of our children's minds. No nutrition, or poor nutrition, and the mind doesn't develop
properly; too much nutrition or poor nutrition in excess, and the consequences are, as professor James
“They're disadvantaged from birth, their academic achievement is impaired, their earning power is
diminished, and they almost certainly have a life expectancy which is less than that of their parents.”
Body and mind are so strictly related to each other we can call them one, and our mind develops
strong on a healthy and flexible, harmonic and alive body.
Our conscience's dresses
Yes, yes, I know you expect me to write about the American, Italian and Pakistani elections;
situation in Kosovo, Kenya, Cuba; the burnings in Danmark;global warming; Iraq, Iran,
Afghanistan; workers in China; death penalty, arms control; children dying of hunger; AIDS, health epidemics;
Mafia, political corruption, and so on and so forth. Trust me I have not forgotten all this, and I am
following close all what I have mentioned and much more.
My blog has always been meant as a free space though, and I follow my own rhythms. This is good for you too,
as you get original content served every day, and not any standard solution. Just look around, on the Internet,
there is so much interesting stuff, and some finely outstanding blogs too, but there is also a tendency to
look all the same. With the dominant use of blogging platforms like WordPress for ex., the majority
of blogs use the standard templates, like Kubrik. No complaint, but that is starting boring me. I do not
confuse the form with the content, I am allergic to massification, and some red alarms are lightning
into my eyes.
In which way has this to do with my theme? Because awareness is so important, and it is a steady work to always
be aware of what conditions us. The digital revolution is positive indeed, under many respects, I am often
pointing at the pitfalls too though. Digital is not only a possibility but also a kind of frame, of form,
to our minds, and it conditions our way of thinking, especially because it is getting way too 'normal'
and thus un-perceived without a conscious effort.
So, be content with my home made blog, folk: rustic like a wild apple tree, irregular and unpredictable, but
biodiverse and juicy :)
The cost of not being
Yesterday's post was about those ever returning basic layers in our mind, always mixing different needs,
and the result being our daily behavior. The animal instincts, our emotions, the intellectual mind.
Freud's id, ego and super-ego.
All of this, I consider the 'basics', what every single person on earth should master,
exactly as food, health, work, relationships etc.
As written before, it always surprises me how little people know about this and, even less, have a conscious
mastering of. This explains many if not all of our troubles in the world. Problems and even evil are
absolutely illogical, so why do we adopt them so heavily? Because we don't know better, and because we often
do what is the contrary of what we want, and because we do so many things that affect other people without
even being aware of it.
It is a social disaster indeed, Psychology should take a central role in all our social institutions:
schools, hospitals, working places, simply everywhere. Not necessarily as a healing practice, but as a
tool for most of our aspects of living.
It is absurd that psychological counseling is not free and available to everyone. It should be covered
by taxes and not left to the good will of a few individuals, but become as universal and common good
for everybody, as eating and drinking water are.
The risk of 'psychiatrysing' society? I hope we have learned enough from the 'medicalisation'
of society, not to repeat the same mistakes.
Not regretting writing about regretting
So, the "cost of not being" I wrote about yesterday, is the cost of us not being fully ourselves,
thus not offering to the rest of our society all the potentials we've got. Then, the solution I suggested,
psychology for all, has nothing to do with a big-brother control-society, but with acknowledging we all
need to learn how to be human beings at best, which is not necessarily something we know, just because
we live.
I would like to conclude this week with another remark on the more sociological side.
Any period in history is marked by some kind of ideology. No doubt our is very much based on the dominant
obligation for every citizen: being a part of the 'glorious' market war machine. Anyone who seeks other
values is mobbed out of society. You have to work all day, earn a lot of money, spend it, invest it,
speculate with it, buy all what you can, accept any kinds of violations on you, like the visual, audio
and conceptual violence of advertisements, and, most of all, you have to smile all the time, as any
human feeling is out-fashioned.
The positive side is, this is an era of efficiency and wellbeing, at least this is what the smart elite
likes to show. More motion, less and less smokers, good food, etc. etc.
What we don't realize is how cold this dominant ideology is in reality. How anti-human, as human beings
are the worst nightmare for social controllers. With their chaotic complexity and sincerity.
So, we are somehow forced to smile all the time, as anything else would reveal we are not always happy
and full of energy. Even depressed might be. Just try to suddenly tell you are feeling sad today, no
matter if in the middle of a top management meeting, or in a new-age class. You would be better accepted if
you said you just defecated in your trousers :)
But reality is always stronger than any ideology, as what rules in our universe is chaos, not control.
And all the poets and philosophers writing about this side of our lives would have just wasted their time?
Not, that is indeed part of our life. And this complex and surprising reality shows us lots of unexpected
Like the role of regret in decision making. Regret??? Yes, you have read correctly, regret.
A recent research by Giorgio Coricelli, Raymond J. Dolan, and Angela Sirigu (Neuropsychology Group, Institut
des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, France; Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK)
showed the following:
“ Human decisions cannot be explained solely by rational imperatives but are strongly influenced
by emotion. Theoretical and behavioral studies provide a sound empirical basis to the impact of the
emotion of regret in guiding choice behavior. Recent neuropsychological and neuroimaging data have
stressed the fundamental role of the orbitofrontal cortex in mediating the experience of regret.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging data indicate that reactivation of activity within the
orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala occurring during the phase of choice, when the brain is anticipating
possible future consequences of decisions, characterizes the anticipation of regret. In turn, these
patterns reflect learning based on cumulative emotional experience. Moreover, affective consequences
can induce specific mechanisms of cognitive control of the choice processes, involving reinforcement
or avoidance of the experienced behavior. ”
Cold business? Think different. Economy is more and more connected to our emotional sides, showing
that psychological factors are the all-dominating ones.
It is enough to refer to some of the researchers active right now:
the following Nobel prize winners, with their psychological and experimental economy:
is the interdisciplinary approach by Catania University's Roberto Mantegna.
In other words, it is the triumph of the "if..." and "might be..." instead of the certainties.
The way we are.
You might object only weak and not evolved enough people are in the chaotic magma I am writing about.
The wise ones are above all this human misery and can only enjoy the positive. Well, this can be true,
but only partly, as perfection is not human. And most of the time that is illusion, or based on reductions,
as dangerous as reductionism is in any other field. Or, you may be really simply positive, but will you
stay all alone? How will you be able to survive in this disastrous world, with its corrupting rules?
Next week, there will be a few day left, and I will write about some other contemporary, new approaches
to psychology.
Dealing with, in stead of negating
I would like to add something to what I wrote last Friday. I didn't mean total happiness is not possible,
it is indeed. And dealing with the less positive sides of life can create negative loops, when your
energies are stuck at troubles in stead of be free and used for all what a positive life can offer.
Yet, we are not perfect, not even close to, we live in a very troubled world, and having all aspects of
life fulfilled and all in one place, and at the right time, and with the right people, is not just a snap.
This means: better to be honest and realistic about issues, and adopt the best strategies to deal with them.
Rather than maintaining ideological principles. History has shown us, they will inevitably turn into
anti-human hypocrisy. Psychology is indeed, the perfect balance of knowledge, empathy, problem-solving tools,
and listening realism.
An example to explain what I mean: what shall we do with young people behaving very badly?
Like violently or criminally? Someone could do nothing, ignore them, push them into an institution or jail,
and throw the key away.
One psychiatrist has found a much better approach. His name is Marcel Rufo, one of the most
renowned specialists in the world, and he meets daily adolescents, aged 12-19, with all kinds of problems:
anorexia, depression, phobias, aggressiveness and so on. This happens at a house that is quite unique in
Maison de Solenn, right in the heart of
Paris (France-EU), in Montparnasse.
It is such a refulgent example of all what I wrote about here this month, that I want to dedicate tomorrow's
post to it. For now, for those of you able to understand French, I found this video, where Rufo speaks, as a
guest in a TV studio: {that video is not available any more, so I have embedded a much later interview}
the way the young people is welcomed and treated; and professor Rufo's therapeutic style.
When reading about this house, there is no doubt they have been thinking about every detail and aspect.
First of all, with a genuine wish to listen to the adolescents, to give them a real chance to better their
situation and to heal.
Professor Rufo defines himself as an "atypical psychiatrist", and, incidentally, how could it be
different when he was born in Marseille, and has roots in Central Italy's mountain region Abruzzo(my 'nonno', my mother's father, came from Abruzzo too :)
He is a volcano of energy, and has not much of the detachment and separation of a psychoanalyst from the
old school. He is often seen joking with the young guests, clapping on their shoulders, and playing football
with them.
The structure is providing all the services a conventional psychiatric hospital does, but it feels more
like an urban quarter cultural center, or the like. Parents can visit at any time, friends too; people
from the area is welcome to come in and have a cup of coffee.
The adolescents in crisis can furnish their room the way they like, there are no white uniforms anywhere,
they have rooms for playing music, or to rest and overcome the times of crisis.
The place is having an unconditional success, and the 8000 square meters building with about 20 psychiatrists,
60 nurses, 5 psychologists and other interdisciplinary helpers, is having thousands of colloquies and long
waiting lists.
There would be so much more to tell about this wonderful experience, it is very close to what I consider
the ideal psychological engagement and what I propose to politicians, for every single municipality
on this planet.
Listening, respect, humanity, these are the values we all need to cultivate, as individuals and
as society.
Please, loosen your seat-belts
You might have noticed yesterday the disproportion in between psychiatrists (20) and psychologists (5).
This is very common, and the cause is on one side the higher status doctors have compared to psychologists,
on the other, the 'medicalisation' of society I mentioned before.
Some still want to maintain, psychological problems are illnesses, and only medicines can cure them, and we
need secluded hospitals for that goal.
As you already know I have always completely disagreed with that way of treating people, a way that is
sickness promoting, and that can even have horrible consequences, as we saw in the past with psychiatric
hospitals being true nazi-lagers. In the past? The scandal still continue, with abusive practices like
over-medicining and use of electric shocks, and, worst of all, fixating people with belts, which is such
a horrific practice, I can't even think about it without getting sick.
I would like to mention the country Danmark here, which has a very unjustified massive use of belt
fixations, both in quality, quantity and in duration. Some practices of restraining the whole body to beds
are illegal in other countries; fastening is used too often, and extreme cases are reported with
people continuously fastened for unbelievably long times.
I still consider Danmark as one of the most civilized countries in the world, but under this respect I am
simply outraged. It might be a Nordic problem, as I have seen similar data in Finland too.
Of course I am not the only one to notice such practices, the Cpt (European Committee for the Prevention of
Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment) got interested in this and issued
a lot of critics
to the Danish government.
Just in case you should end in such a situation, here are the rules that apply, neatly explained, as in the
fair Scandinavian democratic tradition for correct information to the citizens:
"Compulsion in psychiatric treatment - on patients' rights in cases of compulsory detention"
{document not available anymore; there have been changes since then, and now the Government
has a plan to reduce compulsory treatments by 2020; I have found this guide for Psychiatric patients
at Region Sjælland site:} Your rights as a patient of Mental Health Services (.pdf)
Good luck.
An organic, vegan, wholesome glue
After this month of inviting to inner discoveries, there will still people feeling distant from all these
stuff. I hear it often: "this is only for weak people, people with problems". And one could easily
add a: "I am above all this".
Which is not a sound attitude. As what Shakespeare described [or was it John Fletcher actually?]
was an inner peace. In fact the complete quote from his
Henry VIII
“ I know myself now;
and I feel within me
a peace above all earthly dignities,
a still and quiet conscience ”
This inner peace is absolutely reachable. It can even be not still and quiet, rather joyous and active.
But do notice: "above all earthly dignities". It is very difficult in fact to reach such a peace
and maintain it when not detached but fully involved in the earthly matters.
This is it, the core of all our job on Earth: to master this balance in between our inner world and the
Universe. Not an easy task. Not a possible task, might be even, or this seems to be what most people
thinks when reaching a certain age.
Something that can bring crisis with itself, for sure, that can even make all our worlds (both the inner
and the outer) to break in pieces, to disintegrate.
This is when Psychology has its best scope. Some use religion ('religo') as a glue, but moving
our conscience to another location doesn't really cut.
Better to stay yourself and find all the ways to integrate that are available, that you will find in
empathic people and holistic environments. And in doing the bigger or smaller authentic, honest, simple
daily acts too.
Final thoughts
How lucky, this is a year divisible by four, that is a leap year, then we get a February 29th
as a bonus, and a chance for me to conclude this month's theme.
So much has happened since the time I studied Psychology at Rome's University, we are talking 1980-1987.
Gosh: in my own life for sure, and in this field too.
Not at all have my core values changed actually,
they are the same.
And Psychology? Well, still scrutinizing all the classic issues, like: nature/culture, unconscious/conscious,
analysis/behaviorism, schools and contra-schools. Also a lot of innovative directions, involving other
sciences too.
Of course, this discipline is not the only one that can be used to explore our inner world. But I put a lot
of weight on it, as it is an indispensable and formidable tool to know ourselves. It is then up to you to
go further, and maybe beyond, integrating it with any other introspection you like.
Do stop often for a while, and get in touch with your inner world. Let peace grow in your soul.