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January / February 2007
Back, and where to?
...at least
I know who I was when I got up this morning,
but I think I must have been changed
several times since then...
"Alice in Wonderland"
Lewis Carroll
The last nearly two years
Hi to everybody.
A lot has happened during these two years, I don't think you doubt, knowing me.
This is what I wrote last year, at some point, trying to reopen this blog:
“Let me not hide it: this time has been very confusing and peculiar. I wouldn't say a year to forget,
but a very hard one, no doubt about it. It went completely different from what I expected, and there
have been so many troubles and problems to solve all the time, I couldn't nearly cope with it any more.
So, I am really happy it is going to finish soon, and that the situation is slowly getting better.
I honestly need some changes to the better now, especially on the social side, as I practically have lived
as a monk during all this year, in a very isolated place, without seeing anyone.
A chance to be alone with the wonderful nature, and to delve into myself, no doubt, but it is enough now,
I wish more sharing in the coming year.”
The new year has come and, for once, it has brought with it a lot of the changes that were not expected
but hoped. Well, for me at least.
“[...] read the directions
and directly you will be directed
in the right direction [...] ”
Where to, may I ask?
We must all have become analphabets then. We are definitely not reading the instructions. From this blog I have
been crying out all the time about the loss of direction, all our global society is having.
But the continuous flow of information crashes everything, and any sense of normality in particular.
I am very happy in my life right now, and absolutely not happy with what is happening in the world,
starting from what is very close to me, and ending somewhere far away in this ill Universe. It is
a complete disaster indeed. But when Cassandra here keeps on crying, the rest of the world seems not caring.
Because they have to be happy, anything else won't be accepted in the best of all possible worlds.
But the Earth has probably hit the point of no return this year, for the climate changes I mean, people is
getting more and more sick and obese, even more and more is starving. There seem to be no limits any more
to what the common men can operate of sick crimes.
think I know where the right direction is by now: to another planet.
“[...] we're all mad here [...] ”
Blogging work-out
Just a mini-blog, this month, as a warming up to the regular blogging (from the middle of March)
I am not so trained any more, in fact, after close to a 2 years pause.
But, as you saw yesterday, Luca is definitely, truly, back.