See you later...
As the attentive reader has noticed, I have been away for a whole month more than announced.
I was home actually, but very busy and full of things to do and consider.
I have been meditating a lot about this blog, and for a while I came to the conclusion that
it wasn't worth it continuing. Really, this takes so much of my energies, and the world is going crazy any case.
I have written many times that I can't do the job all by myself, people should wake up and do
something about this horrible world.
Knowing myself, I know that this won't last long, I will start writing again, because otherwise I would be
like you, and I don't want, and can't.
But I need to change a lot of things and it is taking time.
I am preparing a new version of my whole website and will upload it when completed. Though, do not expect
it soon, as I have still tons of life matters to take care of.
...see you later...