Please, have a look at the Biblio site,
I added links to some of the most influential, mind-opening and inspiring individuals I know of, on earth.
My Raw section is also moving its first steps, slowly but forward, anyway.
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Please, have a look at the Biblio site,
I added links to some of the most influential, mind-opening and inspiring individuals I know of, on earth.
My Raw section is also moving its first steps, slowly but forward, anyway.
Not only is the “War Against Iraq” (that's the way I call it) one of the worst scandals in human history,
but now it is trespassing any limit.
A massacre of civilians is going on in Fallujah, according to official sources: 690 Iraqis killed by the USA's
forces in few days, and among them 173 women and 157 children; 1179 wounded.
The reason for this massacre is a kind of collective punishment against the population of Fallujah, as a revenge
for the brutal killing of four american body-guards.
There are some direct eyewitnesses for what is going on in Iraq,
the famous no-global writer Naomi Klein,
then Andrea Schmidt,
Dahr Jamail,
and Rahul Mahajan, who is reporting these facts daily
in his “Report from Fallujah”, a blog.
The Italian Parliament has voted for torture!
The facts: Italian parliament was voting a banish for torture, as indicated by UN and, for ex.,
Amnesty International , but the neo-nazi-like party Lega Nord (which is officially in the
governing alliance) blackmailed Berlusconi: kind of "either you vote for changing the low on torture
or we won't vote for the new media law, which makes your interests". What did Berlusconi decide so?
Yes, sure, to allow torture, of course, 201 members of the Italian parliament approved the use of torture,
but only if it is not “repeated”. So it is allowed to torture “just“ once, in Italy.
A journalist, Alessandro Robecchi, wrote a funny (if not tragic) comment about that [translation is mine]:
“As an Italian I am really relieved: it will be possible they will torture me, but only once.
I just hope not to be lifted and hung on my balls, because I am afraid it would really hurt, even the first time”
(il manifesto, 25-04-2004)
The 19th of february, Italy was shaken by an historic scientific revolution: Darwin, and evolution
theories in general, didn't exist anymore in the programs of primary and secondary schools.
The Minister of Education, Letizia Moratti, provided for that
(read this article
No Evolution For Italian Teens,
in The Scientist)
The italian newspaper laRepubblica, on the 23 of April, launched a campaign to change this.
And, after some of the top scientists in Italy signed it, plus close to 50,000 people (me among them, needless to say),
the candid minister changed her mind completely and said, of course she never meant that, all was just a big
The good news then is: even what is written in a legislative decree can be interpreted as one pleases.
Let's make a big party out of it!
As a final proof that bad news never come alone, some really disgusting tortures by american military people
on iraqis have been uncovered.
Sorry, I am feeling sick.