
The early posts


The domain has been registered!
So, from now on, my web address is:

and my e-mail address:

luca at arceri it

This website has been completely restyled, eliminating the controversial frames, adding more colours, and trying to make it more user-friendly

I moved back to København (Danmark), after a period in Italia. Due to this, my domain name has been dismissed.
I'm then back to the old name

la1 at wanadoo dk

for the e-mail and

www la1 hjem wanadoo dk

for the home page.

A new re-styling of the web site. Not major changes, just a nicer graphics, especially for the first page.

At the moment I'm lively engaged in the attempt to stop a war against Iraq.
I'm considering joining the human shields mission, which is nearly impossible for me, due to my 0 money situation.
Besides this, I'm writing long and hard contributes to the public debate in Danmark, you can read these at:
P1 Debat

The bloody war against Iraq is still going on. Like in the case of Osama Bin Laden, dictator Saddam Hussein has disappeared. Consider that, people, consider that...

I finally got my domain name here in Danmark,
so from now on my home page address will be:

www arceri dk

and my e-mail address:

luca at arceri dk

Moving on, moving on...
Could it be my motto?
Yes, I'm in the process of moving again, but, don't worry, just a few kilometers this time.
I'm moving from east to vest, from Østerbro to Frederiksberg, it means from the municipality of København
to the municipality of Frederiksberg, which is actually still København, in practice. And, yes, still in Danmark ...

Today it is my birthday, and, as usual, I'm launching a lot of new initiatives:

Raw : I added a new section to Archerry, called Raw, because I'm going to collect information about eating raw vegetables. Why that so? Yes, because I've been eating nearly 100% raw vegetables and fruit, since last September.

Music : I'm starting to revise all my old recordings, due to the fact that, finally, I've got what I need for doing that (a new and more powerful computer, a sound interface and so on)

Party : on Saturday I'll have a party and will play some of my new songs

Such a nice ending and an even nicer beginning of the new year!
Could it be this year will actually turn to be better than the last one, for the first time in many years? Let's hope, let's hope.

On Valentine's day, I'm uploading the new version of my homepage.
Well, I hope you'll like it sooo much, that you will fall in love with me...:-)

The revolution's started!
While I'm eating fruit and looking at Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon, all together in the sky, I'm uploading to the net a whole life, and a whole life of works.
My story, my writings, my music, my thoughts, all is there for you to enjoy.
And that's only the beginning!!!