What is this site about?
It is Luca's home site. I am documenting a life, my own life, showing it as it is.
In real time and in a transparent way, with spontaneity and honesty.
Showing all what I create, care about, wish to donate to others.
It reflects the eclecticism of my life, full of different interests. Aiming at awareness, truths, honesty, care
and continuous, positive, perfecting evolution.

Ideas behind this site?
Life can be lived in all its aspects, with consciousness, passion and humor and spontaneity too. We can live
it as unique individuals, and at the same time, never forgetting we are a tiny part of a big earth and an
infinite universe. We are important and the collective is too. We are free, and responsibility, ethics, care
cannot ever be set aside.
A low-waste of resources, low-materialism and high-care existence.

How sure is what you just wrote?
These are not 'just' words for me, I am really like that and live like that.
While many other sites are aimed at building myths, for commercial reasons or ego-boosting needs, here quite
the opposite is most likely to happen :)
Kind of filmic ˝dogma˝ rules apply here.
All photos are from real life, not studio-setups, and not manipulated, apart from eventual slight corrections
and creative effects, made on Gimp.
leave my materials from the past like they were, in stead of changing them, as I wasn't as I am now, I have
being going through constant and profound transformations during my whole life.
Some things embarrass me now even, but they are all part of my story, and I want to be honest about that,
it's a fundamental ethical urge to show life as it is.
Being a personal site in fact, of course this will be subject to the ups and downs of a human being. To his
errors, doubts, indecisions, challenges, failures.
I can guarantee I have always tried to do my best.

Don't you think you are too critic?
Well, have you realized in what kind of world we live? So, if you see critics too, and certainly
not flattering comments about the state of our world, that is not
because I like to do it (you can't imagine how much i would love
to live in a perfect world!), or because I swim in the negative, but because it is like
it is. When the train is coming, you have to wake up the happy man
sleeping on the tracks, no matter how sweet his dreams are. And if
he will not be happier after that, protesting you saved his life
and spoiled his dreams, well, it is not your fault, trust me.
few words: I report reality as it is, and at the same time I try
to turn it to something better, and give most of the attention and
energy to what is good and life-empowering.

What is 'Luca'?
It happens to be a man's name, man.
A self-taught human being, with a very mottled education (some would call it flawed I guess).
An individual, nothing more and nothing less.
There isn't anyone or anything else behind me, all what you see is the work of a single person, so single I haven't
got a girl-friend even.
What you see here is Luca, simply, as if I was a friend of yours.
If you really love me, call me 'daddy' as I do miss children in my life sometimes.

Are you free and independent?
You bet, 100%

Your CV / Identikit / Pedigree?
In previous versions of this home site I had a C.V. available with
all my personal information, but I find CVs so lame, that I withdrew
it... anyway, you get the short synthesis here:
Born in Roma (Italia) in 1961.
Grew up in Italy and then moved to Scandinavia, where I still live or would like to live (I am back to Italy at
the moment). Studied science at Leonardo Da Vinci secondary school and then Psychology at Università
La Sapienza, Roma. One year of specialization in Humanistic Counseling, by a Carl Rogers supervised
School. Then started traveling and moving abroad, and working in a lot of different fields, ranging from manual to
Peak working experiences: my organic farms tour in the Eighties; being an assistant for a wheelchair-sitting boy and old
people; my co-foundation and work as secretary for the Danish Vegan Association; information assistant for
European Capital of Culture 1996; my creation of a free music jamming project in a problematic area of Copenhagen,
with transcultural socializing aims; and of course my music compositions, concerts, collaborations and all my
life with music in general.

Tell us more!
What the lame CVs never tell is a full life full of experiences, and
learning, and mad coherences.
And just to mention one thing:
how much watermelon I have been frantically incorporating during a
lifetime, my goodness ;-)

Special signs?
Lots of small spots on my skin, always had, since childhood.
Tall: 1.83-1.84
Weight: 58-68kg (bones and muscles mostly), usually my weight is around the 60kg
Hair: brown and very anarchistic
Eyes: changing, from gray to green to blue, according to the mood perhaps? My sight has been
bad since I was born, but I have managed to live without bothering much about it (do you know Mr.Magoo?)
Health: pretty good usually, after changing my diet and lifestyle to vegetarian and organic in the eighties,
only minor hassles. Lost or damaged a few teeth, before finding out how to treat them right.
Serious problems with a knee and some nasty eczema, that's pretty much all so far.
Blood pressure tending to be moderately high (genetic I guess, or for being choleric).
My cholesterol, glycemic index and eyes pressure are well under average (that's good and that's all what I have got measured
in the last 35 years, actually). Totally medicine-free since 1984.

People with disabilities?
Be assured I am steadily thinking about you, and I don't want any trouble for you while navigating my site. I have already implemented as many details as I am aware of, such as:
- a very simple and logic structure for the pages, and a "main" tag to facilitate jumping to
the main content
- alternative text for all pictures
- clear and mostly high-contrast layout
- using the
Wave toolbar
- furthermore, I am reading the
Webplatform's accessibility
ressources and trying to fully implement them.
You know better than me what is wrong though, so please do suggest me
how to improve this site, in case it is needed.
The best way is to post in the Community
in the 'Members' section, so that I can get aware of the eventual
problems and we might also get some help and suggestions by other
If you prefer, you are very welcome to write directly to me:
contact page

Navigators' rescue
: "arrow up"
click it and you are back to the top of your current page.

What are your suggestions for visiting this home page?
First of all, just feel free to use it in any (positive) way you like. It is a huge site, so I certainly do not expect you to read everything in it. Just come often and visit, read the blog with the news, join the forum, and pick up whatever inspires you from the rest of the site.

What about the Forum?
You are very welcome to discuss all this site's themes and whatever else
you like at the Community .
It is simple and essential, no whistles and bells, just upload
a nice picture of yourself as an avatar, start a new topic and
write your posts.
I have done that on purpose, as I wanted it
to be fast, appealing, and to the point.

What version?
I consider this one edition of the site to be version 6.5 or something like that.

How often is this site updated?
Irregularly. Usually every day, may be not big changes, some small corrections. The news are written in a steady flow, but I have got a life too, and sometimes I can't manage to do it. And there are periods when I stop writing, for different reasons, so this is a random site, all in all. I mention major changes in my daily blog, or in the 'News' section of it.

What browser is it coded for?
None in particular. I try to code this home site as simply as possible, with no proprietary html tags, just what is within
HTML5 and CSS3 standards.
One suggestion: do shift to Mozilla's Firefox (Iceweasel in Debian Linux), it is very good. Free, open source,
reasonably fast, small size, popup blocker, tabs, tons of add-ons to customize it, what could you wish for more?

What do you use to make and run this site?
It has been all the time a conscious priority choice to use free (both senses) and open-source tools exclusively.
To demonstrate how it is possible for most people to do the same, even if they do not possess high material
resources. As I consider this a fundamental right, and it is important that money is not a barrier, as it uses to do.
The only exceptions are: my laptop and the Aiso.net solar host.
I tried all I could with free hosts, was there for years, but I gave up, as it ended up being hosted on not green,
very energy consuming servers and on slow, unstable, unreliable services. They were not even really free in
the end: ads or heavy limitations with paid upgrades, or even blatant scams.
Anyway, here are my favorite resources:
hosting, domain, streaming and e-mail
(this site runs on Solar energy only!)
And a long array of opensource software, running on Debian Linux, like:
Iceweasel, Thunar, Icedove, Gimp, Openshot, Jack, Rosegarden....

Where in the world do your visitors come from?
Here it is a real-time view at the World of my visitors:

All the materials on this site are free for humanity to enjoy,
with some conscious limitations, as stated in the copyleft license:
This work by L. A. S. is licensed under a
Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike
3.0 Unported License.
In short that means you are free to enjoy my work in any way you like, but absolutely not for commercial purposes, and with the obligation of using the same license as here (share-alike). Be also honest and do not quote me for things I have never expressed, and do attribute the work, I have done, to the author: me, thanks.
I strongly disagree with the conventional way of handling copyright issues, but it is subjected to laws, and I do respect laws. I assume all of the materials I use are not infringing any law. If you know it is the case for anything here, do contact me, I will remove it.
Big thanks to all of the above services,
and to anybody else on the net,
making all this possible!